Pulsera tejida con roca ojo de tigre
Energía: Proyectiva.
Planeta: Sol.
Elemento: Fuego.
Metal asociado: Oro.
Poderes: Dinero, protección, coraje, energía, luck,,es,fortune telling,,es,Roman soldiers wore eye tiger engraved with symbols to protect themselves during the battle,,es,Huichol obsidian said mantle its name from its bright colors reminiscent of the visions of the Huichol peyote rituals during their must,,es,Its color is not concentric circles,,es,rather have a disordered propagation makes each piece unique,,es,This rock simulates colors,,es,Wood Pirinola also known as whirligig or pirindola,,es,It is a piece of hard material,,es,flat faces in each of which has written an instruction to the game,,es,The game is usually accompanied by a certain number of chips that will be divided equally between players,,es, adivinación.
Los soldados romanos usaban ojos de tigre grabados con símbolos para protegerse durante la batalla