In our gourmet line, We offer organic products, so we use raw materials of high quality, from seasonal fruits like guava and wizard to prepare the most sought desserts, up ingredients for original recipes based on the traditions of our ancestors as the maguey, nopal, los chinicules, grasshoppers, and cicadas etc., which remind us of ancient flavors for the more adventurous palates.
Characteristics and properties:
Healthy oils: Olivo, Avocado and Soy, Contiene omegas 3, 6 Y 9.
Olive oil: It is rich in vitamin E, decreases heartburn, pancreatic secretory activity, improvement good digestion, prevents formation of gallstones, prevents anemia, It causes a decrease in bad cholesterol, It improves blood flow, prevents oxidation; in people with diabetes: improves the lipid profile, lowers blood glucose, leading to reduced daily insulin dose, lowers blood pressure.
Avocado Oil "Avogratto" , It provides about 20 essential nutrients, most notably calcium, iron, magnesium, copper. vitaminas A, C, D, E, K, and B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, Niacin, acido pantotenico, Biotin, Vitamin B-6 and folate), including fiber, protein and carbohydrates; It is high in potassium and low in sodium, betasistosterol contains that prevents the body to absorb the harmful cholesterol (HDL).
Soy oil: It protects the cardiovascular system by its high content of omega 3 and omega 6, protects the nervous system, lowers bad cholesterol, Counteracts the effects of menopause. It protects cell membranes thanks to its vitamin E and vitamin A. It is more digestible than other oils.

Product Details
- Categories:
Chile chiltepín, nut, almonds, peanuts, sesame, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, garlic, olive oil, avocado and soy.
To accompany any meal, to thicken sauces and other foods.
Product made from natural raw materials in Hidalgo, Mexico. Hot spicy