Elephant obsidian inlaid with shell
Elephants are considered in all Southeast Asian countries as bearers of good luck, and they are respected for their longevity, memory, strength and endurance. For your skin as thick, it is said that all were slips, something humans should learn.
According to some beliefs, elephants carrying the troop draw up fortune, every day 29 of the month, it is recommended to place them in the trunk a ticket , the less value they have, for example in Mexico, one of 20 pesos. The ticket will have been previously folded into two along saying: "They multiply by 100", and then folded across saying "to multiply in a thousand"; the next month, the day 29, you have to change the ticket for a new one and spent the previous ticket.
The elephant must be placed in the hall of the house with the trunk facing the door, either near roles and bank accounts in the safe.