The quartz

Quartz, always and across all ages and cultures it has been present in the production of jewelry and amulets, in general terms, It is a fusion of water and sand turned into crystals after millennia, ya que absorbió durante mucho tiempo energía del campo magnético de […]

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An unexpected brightness

Dije de obsidiana dorada La obsidiana dorada ha sido utilizada desde tiempos inmemoriales por indios mexicas para tallar objetos rituales y representaciones de sus dioses. His deep black color contains wonderful golden reflections in contrast to the light to show his originality. In crystal healing, éste es uno […]

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Rather than being a decorative object,,es,It keeps alive an ancient culture ...,,es,large carved wooden masks different designs,,es,YM14005006,,cy, It keeps alive an ancient culture,,es,M,,en,aintains alive an ancient culture ...,,es,these masks,,es,They are drawn up by Yucatecan artisans who from generation to generation have passed on the tradition,,es,For the preparation process,,es,first a piece of wood is cut into triangular,,es,After the image is drawn work,,es,and then he begins carving the mask with small blades,,es,Little by little,,es,what it was once a single trunk,,es,begins to come alive,,es,and it becomes a representation of culture,,es,or gods,,es,The creation of these masks may take three to four days,,es,It is a handmade work completely,,es,none is equal to another,,es

Mantiene viva una cultura ancestral… Estas máscaras, son elaboradas por artesanos yucatecos quienes de generación a generación han transmitido la tradición. Para el proceso de elaboración, primero se corta una pieza de madera en forma triangular, después se dibuja la imagen que se trabajará, y posteriormente se comienza a tallar […]

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The masks

The use of masks and costumes was a very important part of Mesoamerican culture long before the arrival of the Spaniards,,es,Traditional masks were used mainly for ceremonies and rituals,,es,especially dancing performances and processions,,es,They were used by priests to reincarnate deities,,es,They dressed such as the jaguar or the Eagle Warrior Warrior in order to obtain their strength and power,,es,Funeral masks were used only for burials of elite persons,,es,for these occasions masks were made with special materials such as jade,,es,concha,,en,obsidian,,es,and other important materials at that time,,es,that they were used in theatrical and dances,,es. Las máscaras tradicionales principalmente eran utilizadas para ceremonias y rituales, especialmente en representaciones de bailes y procesiones. Fueron utilizadas por los sacerdotes para reencarnar deidades, ]se […]

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Rana con incrustaciones Cuenta la mitología egipcia, the goddess Herit, which is represented in the form of frog he helped Isis to rebuild the shattered body of Osiris and then brought back to life, so that the frog had considered the key to birth and resurrection. […]

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Tortuga con incrustaciones Desde tiempo ancestrales han estado ligadas por su aspecto y longevidad a la magia y a la mitología en todo el mundo. Los chinos por ejemplo consideraban que su caparazón se arqueaba como el cielo mientras que su cuerpo era plano como la tierra por lo que […]

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The treasure chest

Who does not need a secret place to keep your most precious objects? from letters, pictures, to jewelry and other personal items. Cofre decorado Tallado en madera, and hand decorated with abalone shell, lined inside with red velvet. Approximate measurements: high 9 cm x 12 cm width […]

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The habit of saving

Alcancías decoradas Uno de los regalos más importantes que un padre puede hacer a su hijo es inculcarle la importancia de convertir el ahorro sistemático en parte de su vida. But instead of forcing you to save the money you receive, puede ser más eficaz esperar a que se encapriche […]

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Safes wood chaca

Cofre diseño especial Cuenta la leyenda… Que existió un malvado rey maya llamado Chechén, who committed countless excesses with his people who had subjugated and terrified, one day, tired of so much abuse, They took up arms against the monarch, who before his death in the hands of his subjects, […]

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The Ixtle

ixtle, it is a natural fiber obtained from one of the varieties of agave popularly known as Maguey, and it has been used since pre-Hispanic times by the Nahua and Otomi preparing for him ayates, ropes and other objects of daily use. at present, our artisans […]

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